Cincinnati Subway Allen's Edge Guestbook Testimonials
Cincinnati Subway


"Mr. Singer makes an excellent and interesting presentation on a friendly, understandable level for the students. My seventh and eighth graders enjoyed his stories and his explanation of his writing experiences. He shares valuable information about the importance of careful research and the rewards of pursuing a dream. I would gladly recommend him to other educators as a guest speaker!"

- Jim Waldon, 8th Grade Teacher, St. Mary's Catholic School, Aurora Indiana


"Mr. Singer's first-hand experience in researching
provides "real world" application of information that
I teach in my research units. He helped show my
students the importance of checking sources beyond
just the internet. Mr. Singer's enthusiasm for his subject matter is
evident which allows him to captivate the students for
the class period."

- Leslie Sutherlin, Language Arts, South Dearborn High School, Aurora, Indiana.